Tuesday 2 February 2010

Fourth and Fifth days of filming

Fourth day:
After the great trouble we had with technical problems after the last day of filming, we had to re-film many shots. Unfortunately, due to the time of day and the weather, we could not recapture the full moon or clouds. We successfully managed to re-film the blood scenes as well as the candle scenes. Luckily, Lucy could attend this filming sessions, resulting in a higher creative input and more opinion on what we have captured. I then came up with the idea of writing 'Vampire' in candles to link in the candles on the floor. We wrote 'Vam' in one shot and 'pire' in the other, planning on using a cross dissolve in the editing process so they smoothly fit together.

Fifth day:

After showing our video to our teacher, we was glad and mainly relieved that she liked it. We only needed to add a few more shots to greatly enhance the music video. One of these shots included Lucy laying on a grave, which I was first unsure that she would agree too. With a bit of encouraging and support, we managed to get a great shot that will help develop the narrative in the music video. Then it was to the slitting wrists... creating a source of blood for the blood in the champagne glass. Although it could be seen as quite controversial, it looked really good! From the feedback we got, we found that this shot fitted in well with the genre, which we was really pleased about.

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