This is a domiant location of the music video, with quite a lot of shots being located here. This location creates a eerie and eccentric feel to the video. It also helps to create a link between the vampire and the haunting action seen in the video.

This scene also appears quite alot in the music video, including the shots of cutting wrists, blood tears and rocking in the corner. With very little natural sunlight, from only one small window in the door, and flickering artifical lights, the garage helped us to create a lonely and dark feel for the video. I think, as a group, we used the setting and lighting well and to our advantage.

We used the swings only a few times in the music video, but the shots effectively create the sense and look that we wanted. We wished to not only create a sense of lonliness but also make the audience question why she was swinging on a swing. The vampire then appears behind her which explains that her behaviour is being effected by the creature.

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