Thursday, 21 January 2010

First day of filming...

Due to the fact that, as a group, we took so long to creatively decide upon a song and theme to match, the first day of filming was postponed.

Our first day of filming involved us travelling between three locations, the first being my bedroom and garage and the second being the graveyard linked to the park just down the road from my house. Choosing locations that were close to eachother and close to school decreased the travelling time and allowed us to film for longer when on a time limit.

I found that this first day was quite productive. We experimented with different angles and lighting, trying to capture the wanted shot and atmosphere that we had initially planned. We were at first stunned by the length that each shot had to be in order for us to have sufficient footage for filming. Looking back, I feel that if we had an exact list of shots that we wanted to get, we would of managed to get more done in the short amount of time. I was happy with how we took advantage of the lighting in the locations, flickering lights in the garage and a cloudy day in the park created a dreary and eerie atmosphere in the shots, which is what we wanted! This day was especially useful for Runi as it acted as a practice session for her with the camera, allowing herself to familiarise herself with the camera.

The only problem we had on this day was that in between shots, we placed the glass of blood on the floor on the path, to be used in later shots that needed to be filmed. However, when fully involved in the filming process, Lucy forgot that it was placed here and knocked it over, leaving all the 'blood' on the graveyard floor which didnt look too good! This left us with a lack of blood for the shots we needed to film.

Watching the footage back, it gave the group a burst of new ideas that would improve and develop develop the video. I think that the first day of filming was a productive and fun/interesting day for the group. I found we worked well as a group, bouncing ideas off of one another.

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