The bottom image is the Kings of Leon cover for the album titled 'Wasted time'. The image on this album cover is also simple but interesting and intriging similar to the Arctic Monkeys cover. The font is in clear white, standing out against the Sepia background. The image itself is intriging, suggesting along with the album name, that the woman has been captured in wasted time. I believe that this product will stand out on shelves, capturing the publics attention.
After looking at similar genres digipaks, I can see that a simple image is all that is necessary to capture attention. I will take this into account when producing the digipak.
I need to ensure that our digipak meets this set of conventions.
For the cutting wrist shots, we used a blunt bread knife, placing food colouring on the blade. I then rubbed the knife against my wrist so the food colouring transferred on to my wrist. Once I had made a few cuts on the wrist, Fahmina applied more food colouring to make the shot look more realistic.
Overall, I think we worked well in the performance section and made the shots look as realistic as possible.